It's the facade one projects to mask their fear of psychological (mental and emotional) vulnerability. It can be concealed in endless ways, but commonly behind exuded stubbornness, excessive pride, over-confidence, cocky arrogance, reserved arrogance, shyness, or an oblivious demeanor. Ego will often reveal itself when one's pride of what they think they know and understand exceeds their actual knowledge and understanding of anything. We all at some point have experienced being on the receiving end of an egotist's wrath when we may have inadvertently exposed such an inversion, due to our own superior knowledge and understanding of something, compared to that of the egotist. This is why ego can and will destroy any and all relationships, because ego is the antithesis of humility, faith, gratitude, respect, and most importantly
A condensed one-liner version of this poem below:
"Let invincible love prevail over strife, and gratitude over bad attitude as a principle from above to include for a renewed quality life."